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Topic review (newest first)

11-18-2011 02:06:30

Whenever a new picture is posted, the file "latest_pic.txt" in the "resource" folder is updated.  This file is split up into key/value pairs, and requires a custom script to parse.  If you're not a programmer, then the file won't be of much use to you.

There's a number of different ways to make a version that can be integrated directly into a web site or blog.  RSS is one way.  I'm trying to think of a way that won't require scripting, but will still allow for language translation and customization, but won't need a template engine.

Richard Wolf VI
11-18-2011 01:46:24

How does the latest image feature work? Does it use RSS or seme other way to embed the Oekaki content into another site?

09-06-2011 00:36:36

Patch for 1.5.6 and newer
Other downloads

Yet more language improvements this time around, including a fully re-translated Traditional Chinese language pack.  As usual, a few bugs have been fixed, too.

The new diagnostic stuff can be ignored if you're having no problems with your server.

I've made no progress on the broken animation issue, and from what I can tell, Oracle Java is now causing some new problems with other peoples' software, though I haven't identified any new issues with the oekaki applets.  Let's hope things stay that way.


v1.5.8 - September 6, 2011

- Updated Traditional Chinese language pack, thanks to Kevin (
- Fixed guest language defaulting to English, and now the oekaki default will be used.
- The online list will no longer show the error script (error.php) as a location.
- Rewrote the search whitelist on the memberlist to allow for future expansion as well as language translation of search results.
- Fixed the memberlist not searching by template name.
- Spanish translation slightly updated.
- Diagnostics page now calculates animation percentage correctly.
- Database layer now supports field names in db_result().  Works ONLY with mysql, not mysqli.  Use ONLY for legacy support!
- Fixed problem with debugger in updater ($wactest).
- Fixed "Username" showing up twice in the "sort by" list.
- The profile editor will now ignore the adult flag if the submitted age is less than MIN_AGE_ADULT.

- New latest picture log in resource folder allows blog owners to track latest updates to the oekaki.  Needs some more work and translation.
- New hacks file option to force a specific MySQL API.  Useful for when you need to import database code from another part of your web site into the banner/notice/etc.

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