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08-12-2011 03:14:01

Did you back up and transfer your database to the new site?  If not, you'll have to do that, first.

Generally, you create a new database on the new site, and choose a database user name and database name.  Whether the site uses "localhost" or something else as the database host depends on the server.  Most use "localhost", so try that first.

Once the database is working, you need to transfer the data from your old server to the new one.  Using a tool such as phpMyAdmin, make a backup of your database from the old server.  Then, use the same tool on the new server to import the data.

Generally, the database name and database username will be different on the new server.  You'll have to open the "dbconn.php" file into a text editor and manually update them.

08-11-2011 18:02:13


I just changed my board host and I would like to know how to edit the following MySQL connexion datas saved on the oekaki board:
localhost, base name and user.

Hoping the problem will be solved soon, Dragon_red.

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