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Topic review (newest first)

08-23-2011 06:48:33

Checking up on the feature i suggested ages back.

Personally, i don't know any php/perl/python, so i wouldn't be able to use this yet. However, i had not even considered the thumbnail idea, and the first thing that pops to mind is: what if the latest pic is an adult pic?

If you want a suggestion on how to make it easy to parse the info, one thing comes to mind.

ok, as an example, let's say we have latest_pic.txt pretty much as you have it now:

[oekaki]:Deep Thinking Perverts!

(I'd add [] just to make the next step obvious.)

Then let's say we have a txt file called "notice_format.txt" or something, with something like:

The latest picture on [oekaki] is [title] by [artist], drawn on [date].

The idea would be the oekaki owner simply edits the the txt file, and the parser fills in the "tags"

the content of "notice_format.txt" could b in html with the oekaki tags mixed in, so people can position the thumbnail around as they please and set the colors they want for the text, etc.

really as long as an example is provided, i think most people would figure this out fine.

later on, if you really wanna b neat about it, i suppose under the adnim option you could have a form where the owner fills in the info he wants parsed, and then it's saved in the TXT, but i personally think editing the TXT directly is more than enough.

06-12-2011 01:33:14

I have a beta of 1.5.8 available, with the usual collection of minor fixes.

1.5.8 beta patch (for 1.5.7 only)

This version will include a new feature (*shock, amaze*), which is the update tracker discussed in this thread.  At the moment, this feature allows a programmer to parse information about the latest oekaki post, including the image itself and its thumbnail, and display it on a blog or another web page.

In the control panel, look at the "Storage" section, and set "Enable latest picture log" to "yes".  After that, any new picture posts or bumps will generate a file as "./resource/latest_pic.txt".  This file will contain simple key:value pairs which can be easily parsed by Perl, PHP, Python, etc. and integrated into a web site.  For an example of this file, take a look at the latest pic file for my oekaki.

By parsing either "img" or "img_t", you can get the direct image path.  However, since Wacintaki does not always generate thumbnails, the "img_t" value may be blank, and you'll have to use the "img" instead, and use the width and height attributes to make sure the image will be the correct size on your blog.  If you know PHP and such, it will be fairly obvious how this works.

I'm working on a way to customize this feature so no programming experience is required, and you can just use a server include to display the information normally, such as in an iframe.  Making it easy to customizing what information you need, and translating it properly, is a bit more challenging.

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