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05-26-2011 10:09:04

Oh, thanks so much, Wac!  Filezilla worked wonderfully, and saved me a ton of time.

05-26-2011 01:46:33

Yeah, I just find that it's very strange that the updated 5.8.5 won't run Chibipaint, but another oekaki that was installed with 5.8.5 runs chibipaint just fine, both on Chrome... weird.

It may be related to the update script problem you had.  Perhaps your server just doesn't browsers that identify themselves as Chrome, or possibly WebKit in general.

Can I use something like filezilla to somehow drag and drop all the files to my computer?

Yes, and that's the best way to do it.  If you drag the whole "pictures" folder to your computer, then FTP will download everything.  It will take a while, though, because FTP is designed to send one download request for each file.  Trying to download over 100MB of pictures will take a long time, even on broadband.  It might even freeze a few times, so keep an eye on it and resume the download if it gets stuck.  FTP sucks, but few web hosting plans offer anything better unless you pay extra.

05-25-2011 14:35:07

Hey Wac, thanks for all the help! 
Yeah, I just find that it's very strange that the updated 5.8.5 won't run Chibipaint, but another oekaki that was installed with 5.8.5 runs chibipaint just fine, both on Chrome... weird. 

...The FTP news is a real bummer, though.  Is there really no other way around it?  Can I use something like filezilla to somehow drag and drop all the files to my computer?  It's a folder with more than 1,500 files, so it'd be a pain to backup by hand... but yeah, I do make database backups frequently.
Thanks for all your help as always, Wac!

05-25-2011 06:18:28

The picture files won't be affected by the update, so there's no need to download them all unless you just want to have a regular backup.  To do this, you just use the same program/method you use to upload files to the server.  In your e-mail, you told me you already applied the patch, so I guess you figured it out.  Yes, you really do have to download each file one at a time.  Some servers will prepare a backup ZIP for you, some won't.  If the backup tool tells you to use FTP to make a backup, then you have to get the files one at a time.

What would be a good idea is to backup the database.  You have to look through the control panel of your server to find the phpMyAdmin tool.  It's usually located in the same place as where you set up your database and the database password.  Once you start phpMyAdmin, you need to select the database by name, click the "Export" tab, and at the bottom of the screen, select "Save as file".  Make sure to turn on ZIP compression (not GZIP).  Click "Go", and in a few seconds the server will give you a file to save on your computer.

As for the problems with ChibiPaint, I've heard that Chrome has issues with software installed as plug-ins, such as Java and Flash.  I tried to start ChibiPaint and it worked for me, but I use a modified version of Chrome called Iron.  In "genuine" Chrome, there might still be a problem.

Start up Chrome and click this: chrome://plugins/

[Edit - uh, I guess you'll have to type it in.  PunBB won't make that link clickable]

This will tell Chrome to show the current plug-ins you have installed.  Look for the section for "Java 6".  If it's in red, then there's a problem, and there should be a link to try to update.  Failing that, you could try installing Java again by downloading it from

As for why Chrome didn't allow you to run the updated (with a 404 error message), I couldn't tell you.  I'm glad it worked with Firefox, but I'll have to look into this.  Chrome has always been a "weird" browser, which is why I use Iron to begin with.

05-22-2011 21:46:30

Hey, Wac, I just wanted to mention, I think that there are still plenty of people using Wax Poteto--I personally love it and prefer it to Wacintaki--but the reason the bug was reported so late probably had more to do with the fact that people don't update/patch their wax potetos as often; I know I personally only check back every now and then to see if there's a new patch.

On that topic though Wac, I was wondering if you could help me--sorry if I should've posted this as a separate post, but I figured it'd just be faster to do it here...

I'm trying to upgrade from Wax 5.8.1 to 5.8.5, but before I do (because I'm paranoid) I want to do a backup of all the picture files. 
But, when I try to use the backup system my hosting provides (, I get this:

Backup generation failed. Backups usually fail if your disk usage is more than 100 MB or your MySQL database size is more than 50 MB. Anyway, you can still download files by File Manager or FTP and export MySQL database by phpMyAdmin.

Which yeah is true, since we're over 100 MB.  But I looked on file manager and couldn't find where/how to download/backup all of the files, so I was wondering if you could help me with that? 

I'm actually upgrading because ChibiPaint stopped working, and I figured I could give it a shot to see if it fixes anything (another board that runs 5.8.5 has no problem with Chibipaint).  When I try to load ChibiPaint, the java screen appears, but then it just turns into a white screen, and refreshing does nothing.  Any clues or tips?  My oekaki is: 
Please let me know if you need more information, and thanks as always for your hard work, Wac!  I really hope you keep on updating Wax Poteto, because we really appreciate it.  smile

05-06-2011 07:39:21

I dun goofed -- big time -- so Wax Poteto 5.8.5 is now available.

If you have Wax Poteto 5.8.3 or 5.8.4, get the 5.8.5 micro patch.

For a full install or other patches, visit the products page.


5.8.4 had a major problem with the save code so both of the Shi-Chan applets were unable to save pictures.  I had to update the board to take care of a PHP 6 compliance issue, and in doing so, I broke how the board gets information from the Shi-Chan applets.  ChibiPaint and file uploads worked fine.

Please note that Wacintaki is not affected by this bug.  I can't always simply copy and paste code between the two oekaki systems, so problems with Wax sometimes do not affect Wacintaki.

I must give everyone a deep apology for this.  It's something that should not have gotten by my testing procedure, and is probably the biggest mistake I've yet made on this project.

It did take a few weeks for the issue to be reported, so I'm starting to wonder how many people even use Wax Poteto anymore.  Nevertheless, I'm always willing to follow up on bug reports, so please do let me know about more problems as soon as they are discovered.  As specified on the products page, new features are not being considered, but I am still working on patches.

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