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05-11-2011 19:50:28

Waccoon wrote:

Some sort of notification system for new posts is planned for 1.5.8.  No, I haven't forgotten.

*thumbs up*

Been waiting quite a while for that, cool to know u still remember. tis appreciated.

04-29-2011 23:13:18

Online Window: "?LANG=o_error?"

I forgot to blacklist the error script.  There's not much sense in knowing that location since so many things can trigger an error.

and if I go to the memberlist and try to sort them by template it seems not to work

Ah, yes... the database uses the word "templatesel", not "template".  The whitelist filter has been updated.

oh and @sort them by admin-rank the "rank" (right part of the list; the title like Username, E-Mail, Website etc) isn't translatable

Ah... none of the search results were translated.  That's now fixed.

Here's an update from 1.5.7 to 1.5.8 beta.

04-29-2011 10:51:32

smile Nice I wonder what else is planned for the next big update~

Btw I hope it's okay if I post it here...
I found some missing translation thing:
Online Window: "?LANG=o_error?"

and if I go to the memberlist and try to sort them by template it seems not to work

oh and @sort them by admin-rank the "rank" (right part of the list; the title like Username, E-Mail, Website etc) isn't translatable

just some small things I noticed some minutes ago smile

04-23-2011 07:24:40

Ah, the inevitable hotfix for a new major release.  Funny how much stuff was added in 1.5.6 and 1.5.7 is minuscule by comparison.

Patch for 1.5.6
Other downloads

BTW, I am still working on the broken animation problem, but from what I can tell, this really is a Java issue and it's not likely that I can fix it.  I'm still looking for information about why Java's ZIP inflate/deflate occasionally corrupts data.

Some sort of notification system for new posts is planned for 1.5.8.  No, I haven't forgotten.


v1.5.7 - April 23, 2011

- Reworked logic for flag and rank modification, and made some improvements to the drop-down menu in modflags.php.
- The owner may only change his or her own rank if there is more than one owner.
- Restored compatibility with PHP 4 (array_combine() is PHP 5 only).
- Fixed missing 'o_niftyusage' variable in language file.
- Fixed '\n' showing up in index when displaying "(Original by {username})".

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