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04-03-2011 01:10:52

Well, just be aware that my coding is pretty ugly, and in general Wacintaki is about 7 years old, and most of the existing code is much worse than something I'd write today.  It's okay for fun, but it's hardly good as a learning tool.  wink

I e-mailed the idea script to you, along with some basic instructions.  I had to update a few things to work with Wacintaki 1.5.0+ and haven't tested it fully.  Let me know if you have any problems with it.

04-02-2011 21:35:33

That would be absolutely superb; like i said the board i run is for friends and its userbase is quite small. I had imagined, in trying to figure out how to implement what you're describing, a number of obstacles that i had no idea how to overcome. But it sounds like what you've implemented for your own board works very closely (i think i might try to edit it to act merely as a counter, rather than rating mechanism) to what i am looking for. An installer would be fantastic but barring that a simple "how-to" text file would suffice, i feel sufficiently competent in the structure of your design to edit it myself. Thank you for your reply and willingness to let me study its construction, I am certain it will be a big help.

As for getting the code itself, i can manage pretty much any medium, but if you'd like to send it to me via email it can go to (it's a spam account i use). Otherwise i will check this thread for your reply.

Thanks again for everything, the board/code/help, it's been a very positive learning tool for myself and we are putting it to good use i think.


04-02-2011 20:34:55

The "like" button and other similar concepts, such as ratings and favorites, are difficult to implement.  It's easy to add this feature, but there must be a mechanism to prevent people from voting more than once or spoofing votes through malicious links.  I did implement a voting system for ideas on my oekaki, where people could openly submit proposals for weekly themes, and everyone could vote on them.  It requires the addition of two more MySQL tables, one for submissions, and one for cross-referencing to see who has voted.  Results of the votes are cached, so votes are tallied only when a new vote is added.

I'm not an algorithmic programmer, so I have no idea how well it scales for large numbers of users.  I have no idea how fast or efficient it is for multiple pictures posts.  However, if you'd like the code for study, I could package it for you and provide you with a simple installer.

04-02-2011 15:32:50

Hi, i've used the Wacintaki Poteto to build a small site for myself and friends to draw for one another, knowing little about PHP/HTML myself I've probably done a bit of a hack and slash job on editing it. Nevertheless, i think i have a decent understanding of its structure. However, i am faced with an issue whose solution might be more complicated than i can manage.

One thing I enjoy and want to make available to our members is a way to give encouragement to other drawers outside of having to comment. I think an excellent way for me to accomplish this would be a kind of 'like button' implementation.

I've experimented with linking the standard facebook like button to the comment.php page of the individual picture, which seems to me the best way for the current structure; however, the meta data associated with each comment page is pulled directly from the header, which is also part of the index.php/etc. In short i have to use the lowest common denominator for metadata which will not end up translating well inside facebook itself. What i was hoping to ask about is whether there might be a way to separate metadata depending on the php file, or some variation thereof. Or if there was a better way to establish a like button for the drawings. One thought i had would be to duplicate a header file that is called within comment.php exclusively, but i wasn't certain if that could work, nor how exactly to go about calling it correctly.

Any help or insight would be highly appreciated. As reference, the site in question is at

Thanks in advance.


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