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Topic review (newest first)

04-02-2011 20:25:16

I've heard of quite a few problems with GoDaddy, though they change regularly.  One of the reasons why I added MySQLi support is because at least one of GoDaddy's data centers only worked with the new MySQL extension in PHP.

It's not really possible to change the installer, though, because some servers will return HTTP 500 errors if the script tries to add group access by default, and some servers actually require CHMOD 777 for folders to be writable.  Every server has a different security policy, and manual tweaking is a necessary evil.

As for the animations not working, that's usually related to advertising banners interfering with the animation data.  How to resolve this is covered in the Wacintaki manual under "Animations Won't Play".

04-02-2011 15:06:40

I just installed this version as my main oekaki on my new hosting. Everything seems to be working fine.

One problem I did have was that I'm using GoDaddy as my hosting and I was getting the error that the installer could not access my database. It turns our, after A LOT of troubleshooting, that GoDaddy didn't allow FTP programs to CHMOD the files remotely and thus would not allow the installer to make or modify anything. The solution was that I had to use the default web FTP on the GoDaddy control panel to CHMOD and then the installer worked. I see some people saying they can't get their databases accessed so this might be a solution to their problems.

I love your program, I've been using it for years!


OK, the only thing I see wrong so far is that the animations aren't working. It could be my hosting or something being weird though.

03-28-2011 08:26:59

I just tested the installer on my oekaki (which is not public yet) and it worked fine. smile
Oh, this is the database type btw, if that's useful or not.

PHP database API:  MySQLi (improved, MySQL 5)

03-27-2011 03:19:58

UPDATE: There was an issue with the installer not properly detecting the latest version after the update has completed.  This has been fixed.

At long last, 1.5.6 is almost here.

Before I unleash it onto the public, I'd appreciate it if some people would be willing to test out the new updater.  New installs should work just fine, but I'm still looking for obscure problems with the updater.  The updater is designed to convert a database from either ISO-8859-1 (Latin) or Big5 (Chinese) to UTF-8.  This changes an old oekaki to support international languages.  The updater is very easy to use, but it may take a few seconds to work depending on how large your database is.

I also designed the updater with safety in mind, and it only converts what isn't already converted, so I seriously doubt it will cause any damage to existing oekaki boards.  My own oekaki updated without any problems, and it's the second largest Wacintaki board I know.  However, if you do run into a problem, let me know right away and I'll work with you to get it fixed pronto.  Note that once you upload the 1.5.6 patch to your oekaki, the board is automatically disabled until the updater finishes, which is a new safety feature.

NOTE: If you are using the Traditional Chinese language pack and you logged out of the board before applying the patch, the board will not redirect you to the updater.  You will have to type "update.php" into your web browser address bar to start the update.


Even if the board installs/updates correctly for you, I'd appreciate people letting me know.  If all goes well, 1.5.6 should be out within a week.


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