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Topic review (newest first)

04-13-2005 14:50:37

Multiple versions are definately killers.  I HATE making changes to the database, because I just know I'll have to change the updater -- or else leave all existing users in the cold.  Also, replacing code just isn't an option, sometimes.

OP and Wacintaki are designed to run off shared servers and other homepages, and both have no support for caching and other performance optimizers.  Ease of use is also a huge priority, and modifying the control panels is, ironically, one of my most time-consuming and bug-prone tasks.  Things like Oekaki Central and 2draw are designd for large communities, really need a lot of capacity to run, and may be overwhelming to the majority of people who want to just have a turn-key solution.

I'm not sure how helpful I can be if you'd like a hand with OCELOT, but I love to do interface work.  Hey, anything Oekaki interests me.  smile

04-13-2005 13:06:38

Well, there is  obvious reasons why I do not give support for my features.  First of all, I do not want everyone to have the look and feel of  I worked very hard to try to make it unique and if others simply take my ideas and put them on their site, where does that leave my place.   There is also the fact that customizing is a lot of work at times (if you want to do it properly), and I do not have of that commodity.   People do not realize the implications doing all this work is time consuming and with different versions of OP, comes different code and it cannot always be implemented directly.  Finally, now is not a good time to ask me for code.  I am working on OCELOT (which will be publically available when it is finished and functional) and it is taking a lot of my time (if Waccoon is interested, he can contact me about it, I am sure he will be interested by this project).

I will give many kudos to Waccoon for dedicating himself to such an extent to provide better functionality to OP on such a wide scale.  It is not easy, I know it.

04-02-2005 08:19:16

I've asked multiple people about this and they're more than willing to help. Uriel will not give anybody support on his collaboration features. I asked him a couple years back and he denied me (quite politely I might add O_o; ). I would suggest either just waiting for Wac to get it working or to get someone who REALLY knows what they're doing to help set it up ^^

03-28-2005 21:26:17

Hacking in colabs isn't that hard, but it does lead to long-term maintenance issues, and there's always the problem of queues.  You don't want people to work on the same picture at the same time.  I'll probably be adding a password field to 1.2.0 so people can retouch other peoples' drawings, but people will still need to coordinate on their own.  Version control, like you see on, is a bit overboard for a do-it-yourself oekaki designed to run off homepages instead of dedicated servers.  smile

As usual, it's easy to hack, but difficult to do properly.

03-28-2005 16:31:53

@_@ I was afraid of that *falls over*

03-28-2005 11:26:35

By the looks of things over at oekakicentral, Uriel wrote his own code for the collaboration function on the two star boards. *shrug* He seems real proud of it being the only place on the net with that .. I think you're better off asking him. =3 Or, there's always pchat.

03-27-2005 13:40:52

One night i was talking with Estie-chan . She didnt want to do linework,
and i didnt want to do coloring. I was wondering if there was a way to
do collabs, much like they have on oekaki central?

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