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Topic review (newest first)

02-23-2011 06:50:39

Unfortunately, no.  I don't have the source code to ShiPainter.

I've known about this for years, and I think it's a bug in the applet.

02-22-2011 17:40:06

ShiPainter only, and indeed, it occurs when trying to retouch images (: Is there anything to do about this :3 ?

02-22-2011 16:06:07

Which applet is causing problems?  ShiPainter has the most issues with broken animations, particularly when trying to retouch images.

02-22-2011 11:04:53


There is an issue that affect people's animation load, in fact, the animation loads fine and stop at the middle. I really don't know where it could come from because everything seems
to be fine. If anyone has a suggestion about this i would be please to hear it, thank you very much !

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