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01-26-2011 19:28:59

Rebuilding a server can lead to a number of issues, especially if you have upgraded PHP and MySQL.  In particular, newer versions of MySQL are more strict than older versions, so the database may need a compatibility tweak here or there.  At one time, I did have to update the avatars field with a default value, because MySQL 5 didn't like it.

I have a feeling that there might be a few more things that won't work properly on your board, such as the encryption salt used for passwords.  If people have problems logging in with a valid password, you will need to verify the password salt, or else everyone will have to reset their passwords.

If no files and folders are locked, then the filesystem should be okay.  However, people may not be able to retouch pictures or replace avatars unless all the image and animation files are CHMOD properly.  Even if the pictures and avatars folders have their permissions set correctly, you may have to CHMOD all the files in those folders to 664, too.

Your site appears to be down at the moment, so I'll swing by a bit later to check for some obvious things.  There's a limited number of things I can try, such as determining if your server has proper support for Java and the MIME types are working correctly.

01-26-2011 15:15:09

slg000 wrote:

Hi!. I have a weird problem with my server ( We used to have Oekaki Potato. After a complete crash with our server, the oekaki software was left unconfigured for 2 years. Just a couple days ago, I took a look at the software and configured it again. After that, I found that Wacintaki was a better option to replace our old Oekaki so I upgraded it to the latest version. At the begining there were some strange errors, and after some research I found that as we downloaded an old backup, the owner and permissions were not correct and I started to fix them. Then I saw we can post, draw and upload new images. But!. I cannot register new members (I get no error message), and also the avatars cannot be uploaded (aparently). The thing is that I checked the avatars directory and voila!! I can see the uploaded files. I tried to trace the problem with the user registration (I fix the mail problem), I even get my verification email, but if I click at the link, the page says that the code is invalid! I checked directly in mysql, and found that the information is not been stored (it seems to me like if the update or insert statements are not working). So I checked the permissions for the mysql user, copy the same permission from another wacintaki site we have, and is not working. How can I track down what's going on? I never receive an error message, so now I'm a little bit lost. I get into mysql using the username and password from wacintaki, and I can perform any update or insert statement with no problem, so I don't understand what's going on.

The only error message I found was when I insert a new user (from mysql command prompt) and then try to delete it, I receive an error message saying:
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/pika/public_html/oekaki/db_layer.php on line 158
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/pika/public_html/oekaki/db_layer.php:158) in /home/pika/public_html/oekaki/common.php on line 290
Haven't been able to track it down.

Also, I checked with the diagnostics page, and have no locks.

Thank you in advance for your help.

After an intensive research, some code modifications and some other changes, I have a solution. For some strange reason, a field in the oekaki table was missing. So I compared both oekaki structures and voila!! The avatar field was missing!! I just add the field to the structure and now everything is working like a charm. So I will suggest that if you have a similar problem, verify your database structure!!

And as a suggestion to the development team, add to the diagnostics page the verification for the table fields!

Thank you anyway!

01-25-2011 20:39:17

Hi!. I have a weird problem with my server ( We used to have Oekaki Potato. After a complete crash with our server, the oekaki software was left unconfigured for 2 years. Just a couple days ago, I took a look at the software and configured it again. After that, I found that Wacintaki was a better option to replace our old Oekaki so I upgraded it to the latest version. At the begining there were some strange errors, and after some research I found that as we downloaded an old backup, the owner and permissions were not correct and I started to fix them. Then I saw we can post, draw and upload new images. But!. I cannot register new members (I get no error message), and also the avatars cannot be uploaded (aparently). The thing is that I checked the avatars directory and voila!! I can see the uploaded files. I tried to trace the problem with the user registration (I fix the mail problem), I even get my verification email, but if I click at the link, the page says that the code is invalid! I checked directly in mysql, and found that the information is not been stored (it seems to me like if the update or insert statements are not working). So I checked the permissions for the mysql user, copy the same permission from another wacintaki site we have, and is not working. How can I track down what's going on? I never receive an error message, so now I'm a little bit lost. I get into mysql using the username and password from wacintaki, and I can perform any update or insert statement with no problem, so I don't understand what's going on.

The only error message I found was when I insert a new user (from mysql command prompt) and then try to delete it, I receive an error message saying:
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/pika/public_html/oekaki/db_layer.php on line 158
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/pika/public_html/oekaki/db_layer.php:158) in /home/pika/public_html/oekaki/common.php on line 290
Haven't been able to track it down.

Also, I checked with the diagnostic page, and have no locks.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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