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Topic review (newest first)

09-10-2010 06:52:48

By default, the use of <? or <?php in the notice is prohibited unless you're the owner.  Otherwise, it would be possible for an admin to elevate their security privileges to an owner, and they could take over your whole web site.

Also note that an accidental error in the PHP code could break the oekaki (for example, the index page might be blank, and you've have to use FTP to remove the banner/notice).

If you really trust your admins, you can enable PHP code by opening up the "hacks.php" file in the resource folder, and look for this line:


define ('ENABLE_PHP_RESOURCE', 0);

Change the 0 to a 1 and you're all set.  Please note that only super-admins can use PHP code.  Moderators and admins cannot.

09-09-2010 14:32:30

Also forgot: I'm using Wacintaki v1.5.3

09-09-2010 14:31:34

Apparently only the owner can edit the notice and banner on my board. My admins keep getting an error message that says "PHP is disabled for the rules and notice, click your browser to go back" or something like that. I don't know how to fix it at all, a little help? :C

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