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07-26-2010 00:32:09

Editing a profile is working fine for me.

The only problem is a very, very strange issue with "IRC Channel" that I have never been able to fix.  For some reason, every time I try to edit a profile on a Wacintaki board, Firefox automatically puts my username into the "IRC Channel" field.  It's not in the database, and the HTML doesn't have a default value, but still, the username goes in.  Changing the field name and ID doesn't seem to affect it.  If for some reason people are editing their profiles and the "IRC Channel" field still shows their usernames, tell them to check their profile.  If their profile doesn't show any IRC information, then they don't need to worry.

If they can't edit their profiles at all, then I'm at a loss.

07-25-2010 18:25:07

Waccoon wrote:

I changed the profile editor so it will always use the default template if there is only one template available.  To force the default template, remove all the other templates from the templates folder.  Then, go into the Control Panel and under the "Display - General" section, set "Reset all templates" to "yes".

Profile Editor 1.5.3

As for the redirection issue, I'd probably have to see this issue myself to figure out what's going wrong.  I believe this is the link to your oekaki, and at the moment it appears to be down.

The URL was down? Odd, it's up now.... if you can, let me know if you figure out why it does that, if it does it for you at all. It doesn't do it for me, but a couple of my users have had the same problem...

And thanks for the file. :>

EDIT: File seemed to fix everything. Thanks for the help.  :>

07-25-2010 06:08:55

I changed the profile editor so it will always use the default template if there is only one template available.  To force the default template, remove all the other templates from the templates folder.  Then, go into the Control Panel and under the "Display - General" section, set "Reset all templates" to "yes".

Profile Editor 1.5.3

As for the redirection issue, I'd probably have to see this issue myself to figure out what's going wrong.  I believe this is the link to your oekaki, and at the moment it appears to be down.

07-24-2010 17:41:56

Hi there!

Some of my users have been telling me that when they choose other themes, they cannot edit their profile. The editprofile.php redirects them back to the main page. What should I do to fix this? I've had this issue both before and after the new update.

Also, is there a way I can simply eliminate the option to change templates?

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