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Topic review (newest first)

07-18-2010 00:58:49

Just a few fixes this time, and the traditional Chinese language pack is now working again.

I've done very little programming over the last few months, and that probably won't change any time soon.


v1.5.2 -  July 18, 2010

    - Finally fixed broken Chinese Traditional language pack (encoding corruption).
    - Fixed incorrect count of active members in memberlist.
    - Mass mail can now send messages only to active members (default setting for activity is 6 months).
    - Active login status can be changed in hacks file.
    - Changed log message when filetype errors occur.  Occasional errors mean a corrupt upload (client issue).  Frequent errors mean there's a problem with the server.
    - Fixed incorrect "$lang['realname']" entry for English language pack.

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