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04-16-2010 15:24:18

haha, don't worry. I should have mentioned the version I was using in the first place. I'm not really sure what error, since I've set up some oekakis before the only errors I've gotten were due to things like putting in the wrong password or db name or something simillar. It had something with MySQLi and I don't really know much about MySQL in the first place. So I gave 1.4.3 a try and I didn't have any issues with that. I don't think my host is upgraded to PHP6 though, they're on PHP 5.3.2.

I just tried using the 1.4.2 to 1.5.0 updater then did the 1.5.1 patch and it works fine now. I kind of forgot to not change the footer though, so I'll add in a link back there and everything should be fine. Thanks for the help! :D I should probably register on the forum sometime too, haha.

04-16-2010 03:22:16

Oh, sorry.  I should have asked which version you were using.  This footer patch will not work with 1.4.3 at all.

1.5.0 was mostly made to support PHP6.  It'll probably be a couple years before enough web servers upgrade to PHP6, so whether you want to update now or later is up to you.  I can make a footer patch for 1.4.3 very easily.

Would you mind telling me what problem you had with 1.5.0?  This version uses a new database system that has been causing a few issues, and the 1.5.1 patch fixes some of them.  Any information you can give me would be a big help.

04-15-2010 20:19:24

Okay, I just tried uploading the files.
Please run the updater.

Database required: v1.5.0
DB config file present: v

And there's no updater present. I think it's because I'm still running on 1.4.3, since I had a slight issue when I tried 1.5.0.

I just replaced the files I tried updating to get the oekaki back up for now. Should I try patching to 1.5.0? Then to 1.5.1? Thanks for the help!

04-15-2010 19:52:04

Okay, thanks! (:

04-15-2010 05:25:31

Here's a patch that has the footer on all the pages that don't normally have it:

You don't need to change the footer to use this patch.  Use the footer you have now.

This is also the 1.5.1 beta patch, so you won't need to update to 1.5.1 when it's released.

04-14-2010 18:41:48

Hello! I've recently set up an oekaki on a free host, but they require you to provide a link back on each page. I've managed to include their link back into the footer, but I'm not really sure on how you would include the footer in the pages where you draw, and I can't really figure out how you would edit the text on that page either. Help would be appreciated! (:

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