NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

10-31-2005 01:30:47

Unfortunately, the word-break thing will screw up OP's "NiftyToo" system.  Replacing NiftyToo with bbCode would be a good idea, and that would make the word-break hack unnecessary, too.

As for the adult thing, that is only really needed for Wax Poteto.  It would be trivial to automatically assign the "X" flag to pics that are large.

10-30-2005 05:27:43

A nice idea that I have seen implemented in certain forums (IPB for example) would be to break up words that are over 80 or so characters long so it doesn't stretch the page.

Also, perhaps the oekaki should automatically adult apicture if they are over x in width... without using thumbnails or anything.

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