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Topic review (newest first)

10-25-2009 19:56:21

Surprise!  Yes, I am still updating Wax Poteto.  This release is primarily to fix PHP 6 support, but I added a few new features while I was at it.


v5.8.0 - October 25, 2009

    - Applet code now disables DirectDraw support with Java.  Hopefully, this will fix the zoom, erase, and Bezier curve problems with PaintBBS and ShiPainter.
    - Fixed very strange problem with duplicate names being added to online list if pages are refreshed very quickly, particularly with the mailbox (?!)
    - Removed some "windows-1252" charset codes from comments (PHP may output garbage even when it is commented out).
    - Deleting safety saves no longer reduces a member's picture count.
    - Adjusted for bug in Firefox 3.5 where windows smaller than ~680 pixels will have no scrollbar.  Windows are 700px minimum for Mozilla browsers.
    - By request, some of the max values allowed for control panel settings have been increased.

    - PHP 6 compatible.
    - At long last, all post comments now show up on the comment screen.
    - Draw screen now remembers settings in a web browser cookie.
    - Window close confirmation helps prevent applets from being closed accidentally.

Please note that Wacintaki will also be PHP 6 compatible soon and will always have more features, so if you're still using a Wax Poteto board, consider upgrading to Wacintaki.

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