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Topic review (newest first)

09-23-2009 10:09:11

Can I have the link to the oekaki where your board is hosted on? Technically, 50,000 bytes is not even 50 KB, but more like 48.8 KB.

On my oekaki board, for example, I have limited the size of the animations, the size of the image and uploads to 1 MB (binary).

09-23-2009 02:10:31

The owner of that board has limited animations to 50K in size (the default is 500K).  You could ask him or her to increase the size of allowed animations in the control panel, but other than that, there's no way to add to the animation because the server is configured not to save it.

It also means the animation is already truncated, so it won't be possible to make the animation any longer than it already is, even if the board is reconfigured.  Sorry.

BTW, the size of the canvas and number of layers doesn't change the size of the animation.  Animation data simply records all the brush strokes you've made, so the more brush strokes, the larger the animation.

09-22-2009 23:58:35


I am currently on an Oekaki I have never used before.
I'm using Shi Painter with the animation function.

I am not sure if using a lot of layers have to do with it (I actually ended up merging all layers into one and deleted the rest.)

To get to the point the error reads:

"excess data! over 50000 bytes"

Any ideas how to fix this?
I want to keep the animation.

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