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09-11-2009 17:13:06

I had to change the mailcheckdelete value in the mailbox.php and mailout.php files to mailboxcheckdelete and mailoutcheckdelete and the delete function is working and add those functions to the functions.php file. However, I'll eventually get it to work to a point where only admins, superadmins and owners can delete outgoing OPmail.

As for the number of message that still remain available in the outgoing OPmailbox (mailout.php) file, the number of messages was off by 6, but it was corrected when I changed the following line in all nine of the mail*.php files:

$outmail = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT(MID) FROM {$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekakimailbox WHERE sender='$OekakiU'" AND (mstatus=0 OR mstatus=1));

It got changed to:

$outmail = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT(MID) FROM {$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekakimailbox WHERE sender='$OekakiU'");

Thanks so much for the help. smile

09-11-2009 03:23:50

To delete individual messages, you just have to scan for the sender (you), rather than the receiver.  Make a copy of mailbox.php, rename it to something else, and change all references of "receiver" to "sender", and set "sender" to $OekakiU.  In functions.php, look for "Mailbox Check Delete", and do the same -- make a copy, give it a new "action", and change receiver to sender.

But, I assume you want to delete mass mails, right?  Those are trickier, because you have to delete everything by the sender and the message title, rather than by the message ID.  That's really risky if you make a mistake in the SQL statement.

09-10-2009 18:07:08

I have a problem here, Wac. I cannot delete find a way to delete the outcoming OPMail by removing the entries and since I'm hosted on netTHRILLdesigns, I do not have any access the MySQL database.

How can find a way to allow logged in users, administrators, super administrators and owners to delete the outcoming OPMail? What code do I need to add to add these capabilities?

Here's a sample screenshot of what the Mailbox page looks like:

If you like me to send you the mailbox.php file via e-mail, I'll let you know.

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