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06-28-2008 23:33:39

Are you using an older version of OS X or the latest?

I'm using Tiger.  As a Windows guy, I'm not used to buying a new OS every year.  wink

It would make sense for it to possibly be the PPC architecture but since it's still widely used, I wonder if that's really it.

I did some quick research on this, and apparently Java5 has some serious issues with PPC and 32-bit Intel Macs, and Java6 only works on Leopard with 64-bit Intel processors.  I bought a Mac mini a couple years ago to help diagnose problems people on my oekaki told me about, and today, all of those problems are still present with the latest updates for Tiger PPC.

I'm not happy about this, and neither are a lot of other Java developers.  I wonder when Apple will dump PPC support altogether.

However, I also have members reporting that a lot of applets will not send and it's freaking me out, because most of my members send things fine.

Firefox for Windows, both versions 2 and 3, are still having a lot of issues submitting pictures, because of the way they handle security.  If anyone has chronic issues submitting pictures and they use Firefox, tell them to try another browser.  I don't know if the Linux or Mac versions of Firefox have this problem.

06-28-2008 13:53:41

Waccoon wrote:

AniUltima wrote:

I'm on a Mac and managed to use ChibiPaint fine. It wasn't in a web environment but it ran and let me draw on my local machine.

Really?  I just updated my Mac to the latest version of Java and it tells me that Java is too old.

Maybe Apple isn't updating Java for PPC, anymore.  Do you have an x86 Mac?

Yeah I have a MacBook Pro with x86 architecture. It would make sense for it to possibly be the PPC architecture but since it's still widely used, I wonder if that's really it. Are you using an older version of OS X or the latest?

My PaintBBS works fine as well. The only problem I have that you do too is that resizing ShiPainter does not work.

However, I also have members reporting that a lot of applets will not send and it's freaking me out, because most of my members send things fine.

06-28-2008 03:33:08

AlkseeyaKC wrote:

Also The member still can't send pictures as of what she told me.  She says she is fine with uploading things.

She may have better luck with Chibi Paint.  This applet is more modern and uses a different way of sending data to the server which works just like a file upload.  It'll show up in Wacintaki 1.3.14.

AniUltima wrote:

I'm on a Mac and managed to use ChibiPaint fine. It wasn't in a web environment but it ran and let me draw on my local machine.

Really?  I just updated my Mac to the latest version of Java and it tells me that Java is too old.

Maybe Apple isn't updating Java for PPC, anymore.  Do you have an x86 Mac?

06-28-2008 00:47:49

Waccoon wrote:

Ouch.  Yes, the Mac version of Firefox seems to be having major trouble with resizing Java applets.  Firefox2 will completely fail to resize the applet, and will simply make the applet float to the upper-left corner of the screen.  Firefox3 completely b0rks the whole page, so text selection will fail and even some <div> elements will vanish!  If you must use Firefox, do not use the resize button.

Safari isn't much better, but it is better.

A word of warning:  Chibi Paint doesn't work on the Mac, because the version of Java available for OS X is too old.  I tried recompiling PaintBBS, and I can't get my version to work on the Mac, either.  Frankly, I think trying to oekaki on the Mac is pretty hopeless right now.

I'm on a Mac and managed to use ChibiPaint fine. It wasn't in a web environment but it ran and let me draw on my local machine.

06-26-2008 07:25:46

The thing says:
security        functions: no mode, no referrer       (IP: --.--.---.---)       (N/A)       2008-06-06 21:29:17

I'm not sure if that is a bad thing or not. I blinked out the IP becuse I don't know if I should be posting IPs here.

I have been using Shi Panter Pro and It has been working fine as long as I float it. XD My boy friend is on mac and he dose the same thing. So I don't think its too much of a problem.

Also The member still can't send pictures as of what she told me.  She says she is fine with uploading things.

06-26-2008 02:41:08

Ouch.  Yes, the Mac version of Firefox seems to be having major trouble with resizing Java applets.  Firefox2 will completely fail to resize the applet, and will simply make the applet float to the upper-left corner of the screen.  Firefox3 completely b0rks the whole page, so text selection will fail and even some <div> elements will vanish!  If you must use Firefox, do not use the resize button.

Safari isn't much better, but it is better.

A word of warning:  Chibi Paint doesn't work on the Mac, because the version of Java available for OS X is too old.  I tried recompiling PaintBBS, and I can't get my version to work on the Mac, either.  Frankly, I think trying to oekaki on the Mac is pretty hopeless right now.

06-26-2008 00:14:07

It's been a while since I fired up my Mac.  I'll take a look at the resize button.  The Mac version of Java is very troublesome when it comes to dynamically resizing the applet.  In fact, it used to completely crash Safari before I started hard coding the applet's initial size on initialization.

Some of the security messages refer to the server's security system, not the oekaki.  This can help identify problems where the server's security model is too strict, and submissions are being thrown away, which can be very annoying.  An example is if someone uses a word like "casino" in a comment.  The server might think the post is spam, and will simply pretend that it got no submission at all.

If the security warning has to do with "no mode", then it can be ignored.  Otherwise, especially if it came from one of the applets, e-mail it to me, and I can give you more information about what's going on.

06-25-2008 09:58:28

I just PMed it to her to try that.

I use Fire Fox and it all works fine for me. The only thing that is odd is if I resize the applet the thing gets all mist up. but I can Float it and it works fine. I think that is a Mac problem. It works fine on PC.

Anyway- I checked the log and didn't see anything related to the problem.
I did see a security thing though. o-o;

06-25-2008 04:37:52

If this is the SocketPermission() error, then Firefox will not work.  Tell that person to try IE or Opera, and see if that works.  Sun says they fixed Java so it will not cause this problem anymore with Firefox.  however, I know for a fact that both Firefox2 and Firefox3 still have issues with the new Java plugin (maybe the problem is just not as bad, but it is still there).

If other web browsers are broken, too, then I'll need an exact message from the oekaki applet to give any advice.  You can try looking in the oekaki log for anything that shows up under her name.  You must be signed in as the owner to access the log.

And, yes, sometimes JTablet must be re-installed after updating Java.  However, the applet should be able to send pictures if JTablet fails.

06-24-2008 18:01:23

She tried it doing all that and it is still not working. =/
Thanks for the suggestion though.  =3

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