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Topic review (newest first)

03-02-2008 01:19:11

Sorry for the delay.

If this isn't the SocketPermission error (which only affects the applets), I'll need more specific information as to what is going on.  What would be best is if you could step me through the process of uploading something, highlighting any messages you might get from the board, or if you never get to see the comment screen.

Some web hosts have annoying security policies that can cause the server to reject the upload completely without giving any messages at all, so upload problems can be tough to track down.

02-25-2008 21:05:29

i don't get a SocketPermission error

02-23-2008 22:14:05

If the SocketPermission error is what you're getting, then yes.  Opera will also work, so apparently Firefox is the only affected browser.

I have heard that the new Firefox 3 beta works properly.  So, whether it's a Java plugin problem or a Firefox problem isn't clear, yet.

02-23-2008 10:18:32

so all i have to do is change from fire fox to internet explorer?

02-23-2008 01:26:10

Is this the SocketPermission error, or are your pictures just disappearing after you click the Upload button?  Are you getting any feedback from the board that you could repost here?

02-21-2008 22:23:06

I Can't Upload my picture that i drew in shi painter can someone help?

oh By the way i have a different host for my oekaki

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