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10-19-2006 02:58:19

Yeah, this is a filtering problem, and not a POST data problem.  Unless FunPic changes their filtering list, I don't think there's anything I can do.

10-18-2006 15:25:37

You can't register anymore on windows. It never sends a verification window and now the ads are full page pop ups on index pages. You can install with localhost. I tested with phpBB.

I've tried all the new files but it won't install hmm

10-17-2006 02:55:35

Yes, problems with FunPic are piling up.  However, the installer itself should work fine if there are no keywords being flagged by the server as spam.

I sure hope words like "localhost" aren't being filtered.  That would make it impossible to install forums and stuff on their servers, and they supposedly allow PHP scripts to access mySQL databases.

This bums me out.  FunPic was a really good host for a while.  sad

10-15-2006 07:19:31

I was thinking that since almost all of us use funpic.

10-15-2006 00:23:29

Did you guys try that new installer?  I made another change to it today.

Installer for 1.3.5

If this doesn't work (small change to POST data), chances are the server is just ignoring the submissions, because it works fine on my server as well as my test machine at home.  sad

10-14-2006 10:12:57

Glad i;m not the only one ;__;

10-13-2006 22:10:21

I'm having the same problem. I tried all of the suggestions but to no avail.... (re-upload files, new installer, leaving fields blank, etc...)

10-12-2006 05:13:36

Just a hunch:  try installing the board but leaving the "Title" and "Author Name" fields blank.  You can update them later in the control panel.

If the installer just refreshes but doesn't seem to do anything, submitted information is somehow getting lost.  This is sometimes caused by a word filter or some other security measure on the server.

Paper Pirate
10-10-2006 20:00:42

I'm actually having the exact same problem too.  I used the same tutorial, and the page just doesn't seem to be doing anything.  I've tried putting in the new installer, but that doesn't seem to have done anything either.  If someone could figure out how to fix this, I would be really grateful.

10-04-2006 11:40:10

Hound wrote:

I think you may have got the data base name wrong..
I got the same thing way back when my oekaki started.. (three weeks ago xD)
Mmmm, maybe the database pass was wrong...
But for total recall, re-upload the files!

It will give an error if that's the case - i.e. if a required field is empty, it'll give you an error. All their script does however is refresh the page, not giving an error when there should be one. ^^; I suggested a re-upload before and it didn't help either...

I think Waccoon fixed it now though.

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