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07-10-2006 08:20:54

Thanks for the clarification. Members should be able to change their password without any problems now. ^^

07-10-2006 04:40:56

I didn't want to release 5.5.11 this early, but people have been bringing up this password change issue a lot, recently.  The only file that's changed in 5.5.11 is the functions file (and version.php).

The funny thing is, the login bug has been around for a long time, but somebody pointed it out to me a couple days after 5.5.10 is out.

07-08-2006 19:14:00

Okay. I have another problem, this is about members changing the password on the oekaki.

I getting problems from one user who sucessfully logged in, but when a user automatically logs out, one user tried to log back in, but it took them to the blank functions.php page instead of the index.php page. When members are logged in under the new password, they can't move from there. All they get is a blank functions.php page.

Refreshing doesn't help and clearing the browser cache and changing back the password only fixes the problem, but when someone changes the password again, they can't look at my page at all. sad

Appearently, I was trying to fix the errors that prevented the data in the configuration files from being written properly and this is what led to this.

I kinda felt that upgrading to 5.5.10 and getting the oekaki back online resulted in a lot of bugs.

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